My sweet family!

My sweet family!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

James 1:27

Good evening friends! It's been a while since I have blogged, and I felt it was time again! We've had a whirlwind of activity here at the Thorpe household.....and I have to admit it's been great! There have been times of tears, and times of joy, but we feel the presence of the Lord in a whole new way!

Let me take you back to the beginning! Back in November my friend Bill told us about this awesome group in Alabama, called Bridges of Faith, that brings orphans here from the Ukraine to offer them a cultural experience. Different families come in and houseparent them and just love on them, and have fun with them. No big deal, right? They don't speak English, but Russian. So this was a little intimidating at first!

I have to admit, we weren't real sure what we were getting ourselves into. We set up a time to go and houseparent and it turned out the only time that was open on our schedule and theirs was Christmas weekend. We had to pray about this, but thought what better way to spend Christmas than to be the hands and feet of Jesus! So we did it! We arrived Friday night Dec 23rd and were to leave some point Monday Dec 26th. The first night we probably had the deer caught in the headlights look!! We didn't know what in the world we were doing, or how we would be able to communicate. We did have interpreters, but still! Here we were staring at 9 beautiful children from the Ukraine. We got everyone settled down for bed since it was getting late and we headed to bed ourselves!

The next 2 days were amazing! We were hosted at 2 different homes on Christmas eve and Christmas day, and we were blessed! We began developing relationships with these children. We were both ready to take all 9 children home with us at that point! I'm going to back up a bit here! Jarrod and I both know we are called to adopt......but, we felt like it was for the future AND we thought it would be a younger child, like our own children's ages. The oldest child in this group was 15 and the youngest 8. Needless to say, God turned our lives around.

We prepared to leave Monday, but no houseparents showed up, so we stayed another night.....falling more and more in love with each of these children! Tuesday we had to go b/c Jarrod had to work later that day, so as we pulled out of the driveway, Jarrod broke down weeping. I have to say in our 9 years together, I have NEVER seen him do this. The Lord did a work in our lives that weekend, but He really moved in Jarrod's heart! Things worked out and about an hour into the drive we were able to turn around and go back! This was awesome b/c Jarrod was able to give his testimony! So we spent another 2 days with them, then had to head back to reality! (I'm leaving out many, many details, but they may come later!!)

We made 2 more trips to Alabama while the group was there, and the Lord revealed more and more of His heart to us, and about our family. More on that later! This was no short trip, this was a 3.5 hr drive one way, so making 2 more of those trips was kinda crazy! But it was so worth it! These children had a place in our hearts, each of them in their own way!

I remember when I was pregnant with Hannah; Noah was 2. I remember crying to a friend wondering how I could ever love another child as much as I loved Noah. I knew I would, but would it be different? But I did! Then I had Jonah, and the love just continued! Although I have 3 birth children, I realize that I have room in my heart to love MANY more children......9 of them being this group of orphans from the Ukraine! It's amazing to see the heart of the Father, and to want to walk in it!

I'll be honest, it saddens me to see the church as a whole, not walking out what the Father considers pure and undefiled religion. We have a responsibility to take care of orphans and widows. It doesn't say when our children are older or grown, it doesn't say if we can't have children or don't have children, it doesn't say if we aren't rich, it doesn't say only young couples......James 1:27 says "Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world."

Why is this so difficult? This doesn't exempt anyone....we are all called to walk out James 1:27. There are plenty of ways to walk it could be adopting those families that are adopting by taking a meal, financially helping them, babysitting, etc. It could be joining with some ministries that help care for orphans and widows and that help them find homes, families! What are you doing to help bring James 1:27 to life?

We are all so pationate about so many things, and the Lord gives us a special gift and heart for the things He has called us to. Jarrod and I have found our work with orphans. The Lord has begun laying a plan on our hearts. It may not come to life for many, many years, but then again, it could be next year! We will be the voice for the ones that the Lord hasn't forgotten, the ones near and dear to His heart. I look forward to being able to share what God is going to do, and how He will use the Thorpe family. Our cry a few months ago was "Here am I, Lord send me." Well, we are ready and He is sending us!

We are preparing for battle, b/c we are fighting for these lives, to save them. The enemy doesn't like this, he wants these beautiful children to end up in a life of darkness. But we are here, armed to fight. We know it won't be easy, but our God promised to never leave us nor forsake us, so here we go. Please join with us in prayer as we begin this battle of loving the Fatherless, and awakening the church to the Lord's hearts for the orphans and widows.

Here is a picture of the group that we consider a part of our family! This was our first group doing this, so we know they will always hold a special place in our hearts! Some of them we will get to see again soon, and that excites ALL of us more than I could ever explain!! The morning this picture was taken was when we were leaving to go home, but everyone made sure to get up and send us off with lots of hugs and I love you's!! In this picture is myself, Vova (in front on me), Julia, Tanya, Vika, Hannah, Jarrod, Ruslan, Jonah, Zhenya (very front camo), Danil, Nastia, Katya, and Karina (all behind Zhenya). Each one holds a piece of our hearts!

I have to add one more little tid bit! Through this experience I gained so much respect for my children. Noah is 7, Hannah is 5, and Jonah is 3. They very much need their mommy, b/c they are so small and need help often! They were so giving during the time we spent with these children. If one of the Ukrainian children needed something, my children so selflessly let me go and take care of them. They never once fussed b/c I had to take care of someone else! This made my heart smile so much, b/c that means they have a glimpse of the Father's heart for these beautiful children! A proud mom I am b/c of this!

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