Good evening friends! I haven't blogged in a while, and I apologize, life has been busy!! I hope this all finds you well! We are all doing well, just moving along to the beat that God has our drum going!!
I've been reading a book called "Angels of Humility" that a friend gave me 2 nights ago and I'm almost halfway through it! Lately I've remembered how much I love getting lost in a book!! So this book has brought some pretty awesome things alive to me. While a fictional book, it helps you to see that there are two kingdoms; the visible and the invisible......and not to invest in the wrong one. This passage from the book really spoke to me "If you say yes to God, you have no limitations because He has no limitations. If what you're grasping for and planning on doing for the Kingdom isn't way beyond your ability, you're probably not doing the right thing". WOW is all I can say! I'm realized the works that are against me, but also the power that I have through Christ.
I think many times Christians forget about our tools that we hold right within our reach. We have our Bible, which has the answers to all life's questions. Sometimes specific things require sitting at the feet of Jesus and communing with Him to hear those things. The power of life and death lie within the tongue, and oh how we all mess that up at some point or another. Example/confession: Yesterday morning my sweet Jonah was having a bad attitude. We had readjusted it once, but it continued to come back out. I finally had it, and lost my cool. Picked him up and carried him to his room to have him lay down, and the entire way there I told him how he was being disobedient and showing no respect, and the way he was acting wasn't loving towards me, and so on. (This sounds a little nicer now that I am typing it, but I was fuming). He came out a bit later and told me he was sorry. I responded with a sorry too for acting out in anger. Later the Lord spoke to me on speaking words of life over them, and speak those things that aren't as if they were. I'm not walking in condemnation, just realized that I didn't handle it right! Today, we had a similar situation with Hannah's attitude. Instead of getting frustrated I told Hannah that God created her to walk in the fruits of the spirit - love, patience, joy, goodness, self control, peace and kindness. It took her a few minutes, but she was right back on the right attitude track before I knew it!! The power lies in a very small thing called our tongue, so we all have to work on that!!
I have to also confess to my overwhelming feelings that I had last week!! We have so much going on right now. I am a full time mom, homeschooling mom, we are working on the adoption process, and we are the children's pastors at our church. While looking at these things doesn't seem like much, it can at times be overwhelming when I'm not letting the Lord guide my steps. I had to take a day and just spend with the children. Although every title and hat that I seem to wear is for my children, they often take/keep me away from being "fully available" to my children. I'm realizing more and more that while I love to come up with new ideas and love keeping in touch with friends, I'm on the computer way more than I need to be. So there's my confession, and I hope to have someone to hold me accountable to spend more time just enjoying my children. The laundry can wait, the phone can wait, the emails can wait! Yes, I need to work on fundraising for the adoption, but there is a time for that. I need to plan children's activities at church, but there is a time for that too!!
Some of this overwhelmingness came after receiving a letter from a friend. This friend bought a raffle ticket and sent the money along with a very encouraging note. In it she said she was proud of the woman I had become and as long as I am letting God lead us, He'll take us many more places. She said she's following our progress along this path, and loves reading what is going on. Then it hit me, PEOPLE ARE WATCHING US!! I don't mean this in a bad way, but it's just a reality! For some, it will be a testimony to God's promises that He will provide; for others, they are waiting for us to fall; and others, it's just a blessing to see the love that God has given us for Julia. I'll be honest, this put a huge weight on my shoulders that was never meant to be mine to carry. I cried out to God to guide us, and I gave Him all the burdens that I have been trying to carry alone. I realize that He is going to do this, and not the way I think it should be done, but in His perfect way!!
I've found out recently about talk behind our back, which is to be expected, right? Well, I have to admit, some hurt, but I have a wonderful Father, who is my avenger!! As I cried out to Him about these things, He put on my heart to pray for these people who have spoken these things. I forgave them, and I prayed blessings over them. Then I asked the Father that those specific people that have spoken those "disapproving" comments would be the very ones to send the "funds" for our adoption! I'm not sure how that will all look, but I know that God is working and moving hearts at the very moment that I am typing this!!
So I guess this blog has been kind of all over the place, but these are the things that God has laid on my heart!! We had a wonderful family day on a nature walk and looking at God's animals and creation today at a local park. It was so freeing to get away from the computer, tv, phones and everything to spend a few hours with my family and God!! I got re-energized and remembered the things that are truly important! Before our walk, we were able to talk with Julia, and that was so wonderful, as always! One thing she said made Jarrod and I both tear up...she said that we are missing in her life. That when we were together she enjoyed being with us, and she misses that. It was so genuine and so sweet, and I am so thankful that God has given us this mutual love for one another. Each time she asks when we are coming, so she is ready!! We explain to her the process of awaiting the paperwork! We NEVER mention the fundraising, b/c that isn't a burden that she needs to carry or know about. She just needs to know that we love her and are working hard to bring her home!!
Also, about the raffle, if you are interested in buying a ticket, they are still available! At this point, we have sold 54 raffle tickets. $20 donation will buy you a ticket! The winner will chose ONE of the following: $500 visa gift card, iPad, or Kindle Fire. We are praying to sell more tickets, and for this fundraiser to be a good one!! Please help us in that if you feel led!
So for now, I'm off!! I pray that the Lord will bless you and keep you and that His face will shine upon you and be gracious to you!! I encourage you to find a copy of "Angels of Humility", it is wonderful!! Be blessed my friends!!
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