My sweet family!

My sweet family!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

And the papers are off to Ukraine!!

Good evening friends! Hope you're doing well!! I've played out this blog in my head throughout the day, and here I am finally sitting down to type!!

If you read the blog title, then you know what's coming next!! We have completed our dossier, which is a whole bunch of paperwork that we've worked really hard to complete for Ukraine! We haven't actually sent it yet, but it's going tomorrow!! We started this whole process in January, and here we are at the end of April, preparing for our next steps!!

I'm going to be COMPLETELY honest when I say my stomach is in knots!! We are sending this dossier with still quite a bit left to raise in funds! We've raised several thousand, but have several thousand left to go! We are doing all this in faith....something that is completely new for me!

God has held our hand every step of the way, and everything that we've needed money for, the Lord has provided!! This proves to me just how powerful my God is!! I know He will continue to provide!! It's just a lot more than I've ever needed!! But because I can't do this, I am having to rely FULLY on Him!! I know that He will provide!!

When the paperwork is received, we will receive a court date! So potentially we will be going sometime in June! Which means, we've really got to get on the fundraising!!

Found out there could be a slight delay with things b/c of some holidays in Ukraine, but we know that it's all in God's timing!! Part of my heart is a bit burdened. See, my cousin (who is more like a brother) will be getting married this summer, and I don't want to miss it. But I might not have much control over that! The Lord knows my heart, and I'm praying that He will grant me this request to be here for my sweet cousin!

At the same time, I'm so ready to have my girl home with us!! This who journey has been a bouquet of emotions....happiness, anxiousness, sadness, humbleness, and so many more!! I have cried more the past few days than I think I have in my lifetime! It's all becoming so real....each step getting us closer! To know that this is all happending and she's almost home is huge for me!!

Someone recently told me that I need to take some time for myself. I've been running non-stop since Christmas preparing for all of this. When it's all done, I'm probably going to crash......HARD!! While there are times of waiting, things are still on my heart! I'm thankful God has called us to this, and I wouldn't trade any of it for the world!! Until you actually go on this journey, you can't fully explain to others what you're feeling!!

My children have been such troopers! The past couple of days, we've been running around collecting remaining things! They know we'll be gone for a while, and I'm sure going to miss my hugs and kisses!! I'm praying for GRACE for us all as we are gone!! God has blessed me more than I deserve, and for that I will ALWAYS give Him praise!!

I just received a phone call from a friend, who has just sold 10 more raffle tickets, after she has already sold her first 10. This is someone that I don't know real well, our sons went to preschool together, but she is AMAZING!! Heather has jumped in and helped us, has been encouraging and praying for us b/c she believes in what God is calling us to do!! It amazes me that someone that doesn't know us very well has been more supportive that some that are our closest friends! God is so good to know exactly who to place in our lives and when!! Heather, if you are reading this, I am so thankful for are a God send!!

If you have bought a raffle ticket, good luck, the drawing will be 4/30!! If you would like to buy a ticket, please let me know asap!! I appreciate everyone donating to our cause!!

If the Lord has placed it on your heart to give to our adoption journey, you can paypal us at . If you would like to make a tax deductible donation, let me know! Our church is running those for us! We still have about $15,000 to raise.

Thank you for reading about our lives! We know what God began He will complete!! Be blessed my friends!!

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