I have been wanting to blog for a while!! I put things so much better in writing than I do in actual talking, lol!! And I figured I would finally move a little more into the modernized way of things!!
So here we are almost 8 years into our marriage!! Jarrod has truly been an undeserved gift from above!! I love him more than I can truly express!! God knew what He was doing in putting us together, and it's a known fact that the enemy doesn't like us together!! Together we are joined as one, and we are quite powerful b/c the Lord joined us together!! We scare the enemy and as long as the Lord is the foundation in our life, there is nothing to worry about!!
Noah just finished kindergarten, yes kindgergarten!! It seems like he was just my little man, and now he is getting so big!! He is the bright young man that I always knew he would be!! We also just finished baseball up!! Quite an interesting experience, but we survived!! My life is full of so much love and joy with Noah in it!! I see quite a bit of myself in him.....being the big responsible brother (although I was the sister!), but I also see so much of Jarrod in Noah!! I think he might be the mini Jarrod!! I love Noah's love for creating the full armor of God!! He is constantly telling me what all the pieces mean and trying to find things around the house to make them!! Love his heart for the Lord!!
Hannah just finished Pre-K3, and finished the year strong!! She also just had her dance recital which was so sweet!! A few battles with dance, but she did great!! I LOVE to watch her dance before the Lord! She is often dancing around the house and making up her own worship dances....beautiful!! She was created to worship!! Her compassion is such a sweet things, although at times I have to admit, I wish she would toughen up!! We are going through some growing stages right now with our attitudes and emotions!! I just keep praying the word over her and I believe that she will be what God created her to be!!
Jonah just finished Pre-K2!! He isn't currently involved in any activities, but he himself is an activity in itself!! His name means Joy, and boy is that fitting for him!! You will never have a moment where he isn't flipping off something.....think we might do gymnastics soon for him!! We bought a small trampoline in hopes that the jumping on couches and beds (no this was never allowed in our home, but with Jonah it's a constant, lol!), but he still likes to jump on everything!! We call him our jumping bean!! His favorite thing to do is make up songs!! Often they are worship songs, but sometimes about just life in general!! I love to hear his worship songs!! He is slowly letting go of being my baby....wanting daddy a little more and mommy a little less. This has been kind of hard for me, b/c he is the baby and I want to hold onto that for as long as I can!!
Many thing have changed this last year and I won't go into detail....it's too long of a story!! I closed my business of 3 years. :( It was one of the hardest things I have had to do, but I know that God has some awesome things for me in store!! I also will be homeschooling my children this year!! This is something that I said I would NEVER do!! Never say never!! I'm excited, nervous, anxious, ready.....so many emotions!! I know that God will do some very powerful things with this! Just trusting Him to help me every step of the way!! It's time for my focus to move more on my children!!
Well, I guess that's plenty for my first post! Thanks for hanging in there to read it all!! I can be a bit long winded, guess I need to make sure to blog often to keep from this, lol!! Hope you all are blessed!!
homeschooling, eeeek!! :)