My sweet family!

My sweet family!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

God willing.......

Good morning!! I am sitting in my room with a sleeping Jonah while my other two children are playing!! Jonah had quite a bit of a meltdown a bit ago, getting quite ugly to me, so I realized that he needed to rest!! Of course I realized this after he sat in timeout and after he got a spanking.....I know, mean mommy, lol!! I just came over and sat him in my lap and started praying over him! It was a rather sweet moment! I pulled out my notebook of scriptures and began speaking them quietly over him, while running my finger along his face!! He slowly drifted off to dreamland until Noah and Hannah busted in the room announcing their fly trap! I wasn't too amused and asked them to leave while I got Jonah to sleep!! This just makes them want to come in here more and more!! Finally accomplished sleeping and now a little time to ponder things!! Of course I still here voices right outside the door where they want to be constantly near mommy!! This is a sweet thing, but sometimes annoying!! I set a boundary about 5 feet from my door and asked them to play nicely for a few minutes while mommy has some God time!! So far, so good!!

So I am thinking about my grandaddy, MJ Mullins!! Some may know him and if you do you are a better person for it!! I love Grandaddy! An awesome man of God! He rises early, spends time in the word and with God, and goes about his day! When Memaw was alive he would get up each morning and after his time with God, he would cook her breakfast, even though he was eating Corn Flakes!! Now that's an awesome husband!! The example he has lived sometimes brings me to tears b/c of his love and devotion to others! I miss him a lot and don't call nearly as much as I should! I know one day he will be in heaven with memaw and dancing around with Jesus, oh what a sweet thought! One thing particularly that always sticks out is something that he says. He always says "God willing". Example: If you say, alright grandaddy I'll see you tomorrow, he says "God willing". Never really understood this until reading James 4:13-15 "Some of you say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to some city. We will stay there a year, do business, and make money.' But you do not know what will happen tomorrow! Your life is like a mist. You can see it for a short time, but then it goes away. So you should say, 'If the Lord wants, we will live and do this or that.". Wow, we aren't promised tomorrow! I'm trying to remember to use God willing with things I say. I make plans quite a bit, with 3 children you kind of have to plan things!! But I know that we will do them if God is willing to let us!! This bit of wisdom is something that I always heard starting at a very young age and didn't realize the lesson behind it!! Even in grandaddy's words, he is speaking scripture, withouth shoving it down someone's throat......such love and example there!! I love my grandaddy!!

On another note, a scripture that really stuck out to me when praying it over Jonah was Phil 2:3-4 "When you do things, do not let selfishness or pride be your guide. Instead be humble and give more honor to others than yourselves. Do not be interested only in your own life, but be interested in the lives of others." Oh Lord, forgive me. I often times tell my children this, but completely forget this as a child. A couple of weeks ago, I got interrupted while getting ready for Hannah's dance recital! My elderly neighbors' phone went out and they came to ask for help! I'm usually ready to help, but I had 30 minutes to leave and was a little irritated. But I love them and couldn't not go to help them. I messaged Jarrod and told him to remind me that this world is not about me. I have to do this often, in fact it's something that has been in a spirit for a few months now......IT'S NOT ABOUT ME. I did help my neighbors and felt better for putting myself out of the way, lol!! It's so easy to get irritated b/c our lives get some kind of interruption!! Sometimes I think God puts those there to slow us down, take our minds off ourselves and just rest in Him. Thank you Lord for your mercy and kindness and gentleness at doing this!!

Okay, well I guess I should get going! Noah and Hannah are waiting for me to come "help" cleanup so we can go swimming with some friends!! We will let Jonah off the hook this time so he can rest, lol!! Hope you all have a wonderful and blessed day!! Remember, whatever you do today, find a way to bring God glory!!

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