My sweet family!

My sweet family!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

New Strength Rising up........

Good Sunday afternoon friends!! I am sitting here in the kitchen listening to my children play together (I love that sound), my dishwasher going and my brain going a mile a minute!! I have so much on my heart and thought this would be the perfect time to sit down and put it all into words!!

A week ago a friend brought me something at church. It was a word that the Lord had given her for me. It said "there is a strength in me that God is bringing out. I have prayed for Him to take me to a new place in Him and He says Yes! But I must know it's by His strength in me, not my strength!" I loved this and thought wow, I'm really excited about it! The next day I received a phone call with another friend from church who had a dream that she felt she needed to share. In the dream she dreamed it was my wedding and I was at the reception cutting the cake. I was concerned that I wouldn't have enough cake for all my guests at the wedding, but she was helping me get all the things together. In the meantime, my husband, which is also my Father, was out buying me a gift....a brand new beautiful bedroom suite. She tried to help me focus on this beautiful gift that He had bought me instead of worrying about the cake. She then interpreted the dream for me. God is taking me to a new place of intimacy with Him, a place I have been desiring to go. I have a lot on my plate, but instead of focusing on how I am going to divide my time, energy, etc on the things on my plate, I need to rest in Him, in this new place of intimacy. WOW.....God is moving me into a new place of intimacy with Him and giving me a new strength.....thank you Jesus!! I am going to continue going from glory to glory!

Well, today I am experiencing some of that strength! If you know me, you know that the one thing that makes me feel good each day is my bed being made....I know, crazy, huh? When we woke up, Noah wasn't feeling too well(more about that in a moment!), so we decided to stay home. He wanted to go rest in my room alone, so I let him and went and loved on him and doctored him up some! I decided since we were home, I was going to make the best of it, and just be in a place of rest today, which is what we should on the 7th day. So I began playing with Hannah and Jonah and we were dr's and patients and just had fun! Then Noah joined us and we had a few broke legs that we had to "cast" up, etc. Then I just let the kids have at it and have fun! They ended up in my room, with my bed unmade, which is usually a big no-no! I don't let them play in my room, it's my place, I want it kept in order. But it didn't bother me, at, what is wrong with me? I walked in a few minutes ago to find toys on my bed, bed shuffled around, toys on the floor, and clothes/toys in my bathroom. I told them to have fun, just not mess with my stuff and stay out of the closet. I know this is a really long story for just a simple fact of......God is working on me and my heart and giving me a new strength! The little things that annoy me have no reason, I have to relax!!

Now here is my confession, but don't judge me. Last week was horrible. I guess PMSing and hormones (sorry if any guys are reading this!), but I had a real hard time enjoying my kids. I told Jarrod to pray for me b/c by Thursday I felt really bad about this. I love my children and will do anything in the world for them, I just didn't want to be around them! We went and did some things with friends and had fun, but at home, I wanted them to do their own thing and I wanted them to leave me alone! I am finally past that, woohoo!! I do think we all need breaks and time away! I am having to get used to being with them 24/7, I'm used to them being in preschool or with a sitter while I worked....this takes a lot of self sacrifice being a mommy all the time!! Sometimes I do envy the moms that go to work, although I wouldn't trade what God has me doing for the world!! I only have a wee bit of time to mold them into what God wants them to be molded into!! Training time is so important and I will grasp that with my very being!! So I hope I'm not completely abnormal and I didn't just turn any readers away!!

Now onto Noah Jack! He has been having this problem ever so often with his tonsil swelling up and getting a low grade fever. The doctors said if this continues he will have to see the ent and have his tonsils and adnoids removed. Now I know this is a very routine procedure and I have nothing against those that have done it....I don't have mine anymore, they were removed when I was 2! I just am not at peace about it. I'm not sure why God has me uneasy about it, but I am! So we are believing for a complete healing. Noah told me yesterday that God can make him better than any medicine can......oh the faith of a child. I do believe that he spoke his healing into existence!! A week ago I read the benefits of coconut oil, not only to cook with, but the many, numerous others! One of these being throat infections. I don't believe it was coincidental that I read here we are trying this natural remedy!! We might also try the chiropractor too and see what might happen!! But we are believing for a complete healing!! All that said, we were joining a group from our church going to IHOP (International House of Prayer, not the pancakes!). I have been really excited about this, b/c I have yet to go and have really been looking forward to it for me, and for the children to participate in the children's activities! But I decided to not go and let Noah rest! He is much better now, but I don't need to push him. The thought crossed my mind to go and just keep trecking, but how selfish of me that would be! I think he needs to rest and the best place is here! So thank you Lord for helping me not be selfish and want to give to my child, more than my own wants and wishes!

Recently I had 2 friends, from completely different necks of the woods, one in Alabama and one in Georgia, mention Proverbs 14:4...."Where no oxen are, the trough is clean; But much increase comes by the strength of the ox." Now we have no ox here, but I do have children and all I can say about this is "wow". I like that word alot, lol!! My children are little for only a season and it's okay if my house isn't featured on Clean House!! The Lord has set this time aside for us to be a family and "train" them in the things of the Lord! My prayer through homeschooling is that we will create a bond so tight in our family unit that nothing that the enemy tries to do will tear it apart. This family is one that the Lord orchestrated and we will play music unlike any other! I do believe in the power of prayer and the Lord being the foundation of the home. I pray that we will always live this way and that any idols will be set aside and layed down. I recently had to confess to the Lord that I have put the computer and tv above Him.....that's a hard pill to swallow, confessing that. So He is helping me overcome that and put Him back on top where He belongs!!

I want to encourage you today to rest in the Lord.....that's what this day is about. While I missed going to our church building, we still had church here! We are the church, what we go to is just a building. While it's good to have a corporate worship, don't get caught up in that. Be the church. I'll leave you with my favorite all time bible verse Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path." Just trust......God will never let you down!!

Sorry if this was all over the place, just had some things on my heart!! Blessings to you today!! The pictures I left you with are Jonah playing in the pool, Hannah and her friend Katie at VBS, Noah playing in the back yard, and my silly "big kid" Jarrod playing at Water Day at church!!

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